Mongolian Prosthetics

Awareness. Understanding. Technology. Accessibility. Progress.

The land of endless blue skies is also a land of endless opportunity. Our goal at Mongolian Prosthetics is to make sure that opportunity is available to all. Our mission is to expand current understanding and awareness of the need for prosthetics in Mongolia, provide educational opportunities to grow the field of biomedical engineering, and improve access to comfortable and affordable prosthetics and sockets by leveraging cutting-edge 3D-printing and scanning technology.

Quick Facts

  • There are approximately 56,000 people in Mongolia living with disabilities requiring prosthetic or assistive devices

  • Mongolia’s economy is largely based on physical labor

  • ~3% of the population in need is currently served by Mongolia’s domestic prosthetic manufacturers

  • Affordable prosthetic options are resin-based, non-custom, static prosthetics from China (160.00 USD)

  • Average annual income in Mongolia is approximately 1,896.00 USD

  • Effective and customizable 3D printed prosthetic hands/arms have been produced for less-than 50.00 USD in under 24 hours.


FDM 3D Printers

Low-cost, reliable, easy-to-use, and capable of creating functional parts out of several materials with details down to 50 micron (.05 mm) resolutions, these printers are the backbone of our project and can act as both mobile rapid manufacturing centers and incredible educaitonal tools to get students and proffesionals of all ages interested in prosthetics, engineering, and accessibility. Plus….3D printing is cool.

Peel 1 Handheld 3D Scanner

Our Peel 1 3D scanner is an invaluable tool and they key piece of hardware that allows us to provide comfortable, custom-fit prosthtetics that recipients are able to use all day. It allows us to generate digitized models of residual limbs with an accuracy of .25 mm in minutes and export those models in a variety of file formats that we can then use to create customized prosthetic sockets to maximize patient comfort while keeping costs and design/CAD time low. Peel3D

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

3D printers without 3D models are like a bike without wheels. In order to create custom sized and fit prosthetics and sockets, we work from our existing designs and 3D scans to quickly create personalized prosthetics that are both effective and comfortable.

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